Best dua to attain wealth, health and fortune super fast

QuranicWazifa for Beauty Islamic wazifa for happy life If you wish that your prayers are answered and are answered quickly. If you wish that your relationship with Allah Subhanahuwataala builds and it builds really fast. And if you desire that your problems get solved and they get solved swiftly. If you want that your livelihood increases and increases with a great amount and a gre

types of sincerity in islam and The pious predecessor

Brief documentry of Hazrat Umer Farooq Islamic wazifa for happy life The pious predecessor and the types of sincerity: By the pious predecessors (salafsualeheen), there are many types of sincerity (Ikhlas). So many Ambia Akram said about the ethics (Ikhlas) are as follows, 1. Do what you do to Allah Almighty and do not share anything with him. 2. Do not share anybody in knowing All
This is the responsibility of muslim scholars to guide the people through Quran and Hadees. Because this is the social media war, so there are many wrong information spreading everyday. Allah help us to spread islam every inch of the world. Imam Abu Hunaifa R A and the importance Of Time
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